What Is The Cause of The High Humidity?

As the weather gets hotter, our thoughts turn to air conditioning.

To be comfortable like this, all of these require a closed indoor environment, which can cause humidity problems. Humidity may be the most likely thing you will get in the summer.

The cause of high humidity

Humidity problems in the home are caused by too much moisture in the air. Condensation, rainwater entering the house, pipe leaking, dampness or water ingress, damp building materials, improper sealing of doors and windows, poor ventilation, and even cooking, showering, laundry, breathing, etc. will cause humidity to increase.

By turning on refrigeration and closing doors and windows in the summer to keep the home cool, we have greatly reduced ventilation and air circulation. Rain water and high humidity air penetrate into our homes through windows, floors and walls. Although the air conditioner also has a certain dehumidification function, this is not its specialty.

The hazards of high humidity

High humidity in the home may cause wood rot around windows and window sills, corrode electronic equipment and electrical appliances, damage wooden musical instruments or books, make food spoil faster, cause mold and mildew, and may damage wallpaper, carpets and fabrics, and soft furniture, And even cause structural damage to the foundation.

Excessive moisture in the air can also cause many health problems, and provide the best conditions for the reproduction, reproduction and spread of microorganisms and airborne allergens (such as dust mites or mold spores). It can also cause mosquitoes to multiply, which is dangerous because they are likely to carry viruses.

8 Common Signs of High Humidity in Summer

  1. Mold, or mildew (black, black or green) appears on the windowsill or track.
  2. Black mold spots appear on the walls or ceiling.
  3. Mold found around bathtubs, showers, sinks or toilets.
  4. It smells in the air, bedding, carpet or soft furniture.
  5. Tawny water stains or fluffy white salt deposits on the wall (this is usually due to leaks or rising humidity).
  6. Strange, curved floor or door and window frames (when wood is exposed to moisture).
  7. Allergic reactions, respiratory diseases or skin infections.
  8. The mosquitoes in the room suddenly increased.

What should we do?

  1. Open the windows-even during the hot day.
  2. When cooking and showering, please use a fan.
  3. If your windows have vents, please open them as much as possible.
  4. Invest in a dehumidifier.

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